
Friday, October 19, 2012

Daigo Kengo & Zalgo Cometh get a chance to play the new Current Beta Version of Playstation All-Stars Which is available for PSN+ Users right now. So far, game plays similar to Nintendo's Smash Bros Series with a Special Meter that takes you out ASAP! From what I've Read is that this game is going to be featured at MLG Dallas for a $5000 tournament so thats something to look forward to. I like this game alot so it seems to have potential in it but we wont find out the final results until November 20, 2012. Japan gets it early on the 8th of November.

But Anyways, Watch & Enjoy!


Daigo Kengo's Blog: 

Zalgo Cometh: 

The VG Console Junkies:


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