
Monday, June 22, 2020

I got a PC-Engine Mini!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I caved in and purchased a PC-Engine mini, and boy I am excited. When I first found out the PC-Engine mini was being released, I started to remember a time when I was younger and didn't have responsibilities to worry about. This console [Mainly the Turbografx-16] along with the Sega Genesis was the first consoles I've ever owned for myself. The only 2 games I had the first year was Bonk's Revenge & Keith Courage in Alpha Zones. The PC-Engine Mini comes back in with all of these games. Taken from Wikipedia: GameVersionTurboGrafx-16 / Core Grafx Mini[4][5]PC Engine Mini[6] Air ZonkTG-16 AldynesSGFX Alien...

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