
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Street Fighter X Mega Man v2 Download

As before, head to the Mega Man group page for the free download. Don't forget you can also grab the entire soundtrack for free as well :)

-Confirmation prompt before exiting (ESC) or resetting (F12) the game

-E Tank glitch and various other bugs fixed

-Improved controller support (Game defaults to keyboard on launch; make sure controller is plugged in prior to opening the file, then go into Options menu and set keys)

-Take screenshots using F9

-M Bison buffed a bit (This place shall become your grave!)

-A new challenger! (Find him yourself!)

And of course, huge thanks and credit to Zong Hui and A_Rival for this updated version!

Here's the Update for SFXMM v2 right here:

Street Fighter X Mega Man (Version 2) - Capcom Page

Official Soundtrack - Download Here

Source: Capcom


onReload said...

no saves?

Daigo Kengo said...

Sadly No, They only added the "Password" feature in this Update and a few Tweaks.

Only thing that saves is your Button Configurations.

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