
Friday, August 31, 2012

NEC XIII - Northeast Championship XIII - The Family Reunion Dec 1 & 2 in Philadelphia

Its that time again for NEC XIII which I'm really excited about. NEC XIII (Northeast Championship) is one of the Biggest tournaments in Philadelphia within the Holiday season.

I might as well say that I have 3 months to train and get my skills up to par for this event cause I can only imagine the madness thats about to go down this year. Last year's event was off the hook! I got to play Soul Calibur V & Tekken Tag 2 in Advance and now this will be the First NEC tournament to have to tournament with the actual console versions of the games which I can only imagine the tournaments is going to be like and Don't forget about DOA & VF5FS for 3D Fighter Greatness.

UMVC3, SSF4AE comp is going to be tight up in there. MBAACC & P4A might be a show stealer too. New Revue, New Tournaments, GET HYPE! But to put it in a nutshell, here's all the Info you need to know about this year's event. You have until the end of November to register online which is $30 but $40 at the door.

 For More information, goto


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