
Friday, August 17, 2012

What I've been up to?

I've pretty much been chillin this summer and working alot on other stuff like other projects that will be up here soon but anyway. The next few projects I should be working on is I got 3 Computers that I'm going to be doing some OS Testing on. One is Going to be for Windows 8, Mac OSX Mountain Lion, & Ubuntu Studio.

I Might add a Discography Section on the Right Side for the Music that I've produced and other Music Projects From the Past. For those that want to listen to my music, you can check em out on my SoundCloud Page & Follow Me While you are at it.

Stay tuned to this site cause I should have some new info coming soon and Here is something to watch.

FYI, The idea from the Video Above came from this below.

RIP Phil Hartman.


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